"Now I know the things I know, and I do the things I do; and if you do not like me so, to hell, my love, with you!"
Dorothy Parker
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Wednesday 2 June 2010

The First

I have been writing on and off but I have this tendency of trailing off along the way. It must be a bad gene I inherited. Although I can't be certain whether it came from the maternal or paternal side. Moving along, I must admit that this blog is just like any other and much to your despair, will be filled with humdrum entries. That is if you decide to continue reading, of course. But most importantly, I did not create this blog to impress nor to compete with anyone. It is created purely to help unravel my thoughts, articulate and channel them in a constructive way. Or in simpler terms, creative writing. I am in dire need to polish my writing skills by this coming October and I covet the ability to write freely without pressing the backspace key ever so often. I was deeply encouraged to do writing exercises. So, rather grudgingly I put on my tattered thinking hat on and thought of ways to help myself overcome this issue. My reeling thoughts then halted and pointed at the idea of blogging. Right. I am still quite apprehensive about this whole blogging idea but I think I should give it a try once again. Therefore, I'll start this blog off with a reminder to everyone that, constructive criticism is welcome here but by all means, repugnance is absolutely not. Thanks :))

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